Areas Of Practice
Car Wrecks
Auto accidents are common and make up a huge area of civil litigation. From simple, soft tissue injuries to wrongful death, if you or someone you love is injured by a negligent driver, you have a right to compensation.
Bad Faith Insurance
Insurance companies are required to act in good faith, and many do not. If you feel like an insurance company is acting in bad faith, you may be entitled to damages, including punitive damages.
Worker’s Compensation
“Comp cases,” as they are called are a unique area of the law, and these cases have their own court system. If you are hurt on the job, you may be entitled to compensation and back wages.
Nursing Home Neglect
Sadly, many elder-care facilities are neglecting our elderly population. If you feel like you or someone you love is being or has been injured or killed due to nursing home neglect, we can help.
Dog Bite Cases
If you have been injured by an animal owned by another, you may be entitled to compensation.
Legal Malpractice
If your attorney has acted negligently, and as a result you have suffered economically, you may be able to recover. The most common type of legal malpractice is failing to file a lawsuit within the time frame allowed by law. Lawyers and law firms almost always have malpractice insurance.
Medical Malpractice
If you were injured as a result of the negligence of a health care professional, you may be entitled to compensation. Surgical errors, failure to properly diagnose a condition or other actions that are contrary to commonly accepted medical practices are just some of the ways doctors and hospitals can be held liable for their negligence.
Asbestosis and mesothelioma are common conditions related to asbestos exposure. Asbestos litigation is rising dramatically as more and more Americans are just now feeling the effects of long-term asbestos exposure.
Friendly Suits (for minors)
If a child under the age of 18, has been injured, the guardians (usually the parents) will have to file a lawsuit on their behalf. Attorney fees are capped at 25% for these cases.
Government Tort Cases
The Governmental Tort Claims Act governs actions against the State of Oklahoma and the municipalities. If a governmental entity has been negligent and you have suffered as a result, you have to proceed differently than in a normal civil case.
Suits Against Property Owners
Often called “premises liability” property owners are liable for failing to maintain their property in a reasonable way.
Wrongful Death
If there has been a death due to the negligence of another, an action against that person can be commenced, usually by the family of the deceased.
Trucking Cases
Trucking accidents are on the rise as our roads and highways become more cluttered. Often times, these accidents result in great bodily injury or death due to the size of the trucks.
Products Liability
If a product sold to you is defective and you are injured as a result, you may have a right to compensation. If, for instance, a defective toaster burns down your house and someone is injured as a result of the defect, you may be entitled to recover.

Being in a legal bind is not an easy place to be. It is our service to you to provide free initial consultation. We are committed to helping you where ever you are at.
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